
    Sweater Vests for Fall

    I sat down to pull together my fall fashion picks, only to find that I kept gravitating towards sweater vests. Rather than fight it, I decided to share a full post dedicated to what I consider to be the trend of the season!

    As a prepster at heart, I love the classic look of a sweater vest. Also, I like that they can add visual interest to staple pieces that are likely already hanging in your closet— a button-down, turtleneck, or long-sleeve dress.

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    Fashion Holiday

    13 Going On 30: My Jenna Rink Halloween Costume

    Happy October! I think this may be my favorite month of the year. There’s a slight chill in the air here in Virginia that’s making me excited to don my sweaters and boots, go apple-picking, and see the fall foliage. I’m also excited about Halloween this year! I think it’s going to be the first time I have trick-or-treaters.

    In the spirit of Halloween, I’m sharing my costume for this year. Inspired by my favorite chick flick, 13 Going on 30, I dressed up as Jenna Rink in the scene where she wakes up as a 30-year-old and wanders into the street in her chemise and coat. The best part? I found the exact same vintage Nanette Lepore coat that Jennifer Garner wears in the movie!

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    Summer Photo Diary

    It’s officially the end of summer. That means it’s time for a new seasonal photo diary. In the past, I called this series ‘Summer/Autumn/Winter/Spring in iPhone Photos’ but I think it’s time for a more intuitive and inclusive name. While the photos I share may be shot on my iPhone, DSLR, or GoPro, the commonality is that they’re all casual snapshots from my life that otherwise wouldn’t make the blog. I always enjoy looking back at my previous photo diaries and remembering the small, happy moments from a given season.

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    Home & Decor

    What I’ve Bought for Our New Place

    Hello from Richmond! We’re still in the process of unpacking and settling in here, but I thought it’d be fun to share the things we’ve bought for our new place so far. Going from a studio to three bedrooms, it feels like the items on our shopping list are endless. I’m trying to prioritize the things we need to have a functional space, but also can’t help myself from gravitating towards all the pretty, fun home items.

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    I’m Moving!

    There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes in the past six months and I’m excited that I can finally share the news with you: I’m moving to Richmond, VA!

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    Spring in iPhone Photos

    Looking through my camera roll, there’s been a lot of highlights over the past few months! It’s a stark contrast to last spring when I hardly took any photos because life during quarantine felt like Groundhog Day. This year, we had a lot to celebrate, including Max finishing his first year of law school, our fourth anniversary, and Max’s 25th birthday—not to mention getting vaccinated! Also, I returned home to Washington, DC, at long last and traveled to Asheville, Richmond, and Baltimore.

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    A Cozy Treehouse Retreat: Our Weekend Getaway in North Carolina

    Treehouse retreat in the woods of Hendersonville, NC

    Last weekend, I took Max on a surprise trip to celebrate our four-year anniversary. I’d planned the trip well in advance, asking him to block out the weekend on his calendar two months ago but omitting the details of where we were going and what we were doing. On the Wednesday before our getaway, I gave Max a packing list and told him to be ready to go at 9 a.m. on Saturday. Only once he got in the car on Saturday did I share the itinerary for the weekend. The surprise destination: Asheville, North Carolina.

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    Home & Decor

    Interior Design Inspiration

    Hi, friends! The blog has been quiet over the past couple of weeks as I’ve re-entered society. Now that I’m fully vaccinated, I’m thoroughly enjoying catching up with friends, going out for drinks, and making more time for fun. I also have a couple of upcoming travel plans, which is adding to my overall contentedness.

    However, one area in which I never seem to be content is decor. I’m already planning my next apartment, despite having no concrete plans to move. I even bought a set of campaign nightstands that don’t fit in my current place because they suit my vision for my next home. Since I seem to constantly be looking at interior design inspiration, I thought it’d be fun to share a roundup of my recent favorite images today.

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    Lifestyle Personal

    On My Radar

    Phew. We made it through April. I had a whirlwind of a month. I’d planned to stay in Florida until May but at the very end of March, I found out that I couldn’t get vaccinated there since I’m not a state resident. On a whim, I checked the vaccination availability in my home state of South Carolina and was shocked that I landed a last-minute appointment for Easter Sunday. What ensued was a lot of driving to make it to my appointment in time and then the familiar feeling of unsettledness that came with yet another location change.

    I’ve alluded to this previously, but the living out of a suitcase (okay, a few suitcases) and changing locations every six weeks for the past year has worn on me. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly thankful that I’ve been able to spend significant time with Max—something we weren’t sure would be possible when he moved to Miami at the beginning of the pandemic. I also recognize how fortunate I am to have loved ones who have taken me in and provided an escape from the isolation of living and working in my tiny studio apartment in Washington. However, I am beyond ready to have a sense of home again. A sense of normalcy. To store away the suitcases and be reacquainted with my dresser drawers.

    That’s what’s on my heart as we turn the page to a new month. Of course, before I fully shift my focus to what’s ahead, I like to reflect on the previous month. In that spirit, today’s post recaps the best of April, including everything I read, watched, bought, and loved.

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