
Life Lately

After spending two months in Florida and one month in South Carolina, I am finally back home in Washington, DC. Today’s post is a reflection on many of the thoughts that have been swirling around in my brain during the past few months of quarantine, plus an update on why I’ll be taking a short hiatus from posting on the blog.

Starting in mid-March when the U.S. first realized the gravity of COVID-19, it felt like there was simultaneously so much going on in my personal life and the world at large. On many days, this combination was overwhelming, and it sent me on an emotional rollercoaster.

Now that I’ve caught a breath and have begun processing it all—emphasis on begun. I think it will take us years to fully process the events of 2020—I have a few coherent thoughts about the things I’ve learned during this strange and, yes, *unprecedented* time.

Things I’ve Learned During Quarantine

  • I am not in control. At all. If you followed along here on the blog or via my Instagram Walk and Talk videos, then you know that I left for a pre-planned vacation in Florida right before the U.S. collectively realized the severity of COVID-19. I had one suitcase with me, which I lived out of for the subsequent months spent away from my home in Washington. Being suddenly uprooted from all of my normal routines forced me to realize how routine can lull us into a false sense of control. This was a tough pill to swallow, but I think recognizing how little I’m actually in control of has been healthy for me!
  • I love working from home. As an extrovert, I initially thought I’d hate working from home full-time. While I do miss my coworkers and the pleasant buzz of a busy office, I’ve discovered that I thoroughly enjoy working from home. I love that I get hours back in my day from not having to dress up or commute. I also love that my forever-cold self can bundle up with a blanket at my desk without seeming unprofessional. If I could still socialize normally outside of work, I now think I would consider fully remote positions in the future.
  • I am so fortunate. I am so privileged. During quarantine, it struck me how fortunate I am for a variety of reasons. I’m fortunate to have friends who were willing to host and feed me for three months (I was truly the houseguest who wouldn’t leave!). I’m fortunate to be employed when millions of Americans have been laid off and furloughed. I’m fortunate for my health and the health of my loved ones. I’m also privileged to never have experienced discrimination due to my race, a fact I’ve been reminded of in recent weeks.

Why I’m Taking a Brief Hiatus from the Blog

As I alluded to earlier, there’s been a lot going on in my personal life since March. One of those things was the decision-making process for Max’s legal education. Ultimately, he accepted an amazing scholarship offer from the University of Miami School of Law and will be moving to Florida to start classes in August. I’m so proud of him and can’t wait for lots of trips to the Sunshine State!

Since we were on opposite ends of the east coast for the past few months, I am taking a brief hiatus from posting on the blog to focus on my personal life and soak up all of the quality time with Max before he moves.

The good news is that when I return in August, I will be transitioning to publishing blog posts twice a week! Stay tuned for lots of fun content coming your way!


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