Lifestyle Personal

Where I Landed on My Goals for 2020

It’s taken me longer than normal to mentally shift to the new year. Maybe because 2020 was a lot. Or maybe the inauguration was just my New Year’s Day. 😂 Either way, I’m finally ready to reflect on the goals I set for 2020 and share how I stacked up.

Goal #1: Revamp my morning routine.

I intended to stop hitting the snooze button and get up an hour earlier each day. This was an epic fail. With the transition to working from home in 2020, I rolled out of bed 30 minutes before work started and threw on athleisure most mornings.

Goal #2: Post 2x a week on the blog.

Starting in Q3, I wanted to consistently publish two blog posts a week. There were some periods where I came close to this goal, like in August, but there were many more periods when so much going on in the world and my personal life forced me to take a step back from blogging. If you’re interested, I talked about the hiatuses here and here.

Goal #3: Establish and stick to a budget.

Okay, I crushed this one! In February, I set up a budget with YNAB (short for You Need A Budget) and it completely changed the way I view money. Thanks to YNAB, I know exactly where my money’s going, I’ve achieved numerous savings goals, and I no longer feel anxious when making a big purchase. The budget system has been such a game-changer in my life that in May, I shared a full review of YNAB along with details of how I set up my personal budget.

Goal #4: Find a fitness routine I enjoy.

I started off strong with this resolution, getting into a great routine of going to yoga classes in January, February, and March. I looked forward to the classes and loved getting to know my instructors and classmates. Then, of course, COVID hit in mid-March. At that point, I was stuck in Florida without a yoga mat, and my routine went completely out the window for the rest of 2020. In recent weeks, I’ve started doing some Yoga with Adriene classes, but a big priority for me in 2021 is to find a studio with outdoor classes so I can get back in the groove.

Goal #5: Be intentional about friendships.

When I set this goal last year, I envisioned inviting coworkers to coffee, planning brunches and happy hours with friends old and new, and calling my long-distance friends more. While the coffee runs, brunches, and happy hours didn’t happen, the pandemic did help me be better about calling and Zooming my friends to catch up. So I think I can chalk this one up to a success, even though it wasn’t exactly what I pictured.

Goal #6: Meal prep and cook more.

I was successful in meal prepping and cooking more in 2020. I ditched the Trader Joe’s pre-made meals (although I love them) and got into the habit of meal-planning each Sunday for the week ahead. I certainly cooked more last year than I ever have before. I still would not consider myself a “good cook” by any means, but I feel much more competent in the kitchen now. Plus, I found some crowd-pleasing recipes that I think I’ll be making for years to come.

Goals for 2021

I was gung-ho on goals for 2020, but am feeling less goal-oriented for 2021. I only set one goal for the year (more on that coming to the blog soon!). However, I did make a vision board for the year—something that I haven’t done since 2017—to serve as a visual reminder of my priorities.

Did the pandemic throw off your 2020 goals? Have you set any resolutions for 2021? Let me know in the comments!


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