Lifestyle Personal

Goals for 2020

New year’s resolutions catch a lot of flak. Social media seems to be filled with people complaining about their gyms being too crowded in January and lamenting on others not keeping their resolutions. I fall in the opposite camp as the social media negativity. I think using a new year as an opportunity for reflection, self-awareness, and goal-setting is highly constructive. I’ve given a good bit of thought to what I want to accomplish in 2020 and I’m excited to share my resolutions with you today!

During the Christmas holiday, I read The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them. The premise of the book is that every decision you make in your twenties lays the foundation for the rest of your life. This got me thinking about the habits I want to establish now in my early twenties so that I carry them with me through my life.

While I am all for setting new year’s goals, I have found it difficult in the past to jump into numerous new habits at the same time. For that reason, only my first goal is a year-long goal, with the others being resolutions I will focus on in a specific quarter of the year. My hope is that this will make my goals less daunting and easier to accomplish.

Without further ado, here are my resolutions for 2020:

1. Revamp my morning routine.

Historically, my morning routine has consisted of hitting snooze multiple times, quickly getting ready, and heading out the door still feeling half-asleep. This year, I am going to reclaim my mornings by waking up earlier and devoting an hour each weekday morning to working on the blog. This leads me to my next goal…

2. Post 2x a week on the blog.

By the end of Q2, I plan to transition from posting once a week to twice a week. With the added five hours per week that I’ll gain from my morning routine, I think this will be quite feasible and I’m excited to share more content!

3. Establish and stick to a budget.

I’ve lived within my means since I graduated from college in May and moved to Washington, DC. However, in Q1 I want to be more intentional about setting up a formal budget and long-term savings goals. After Q1, my focus will be sticking to my budget and hitting said savings goals.

4. Find a fitness routine I enjoy.

Physical fitness is always the first thing I cut when life gets busy. In Q2, finding a fitness routine that I genuinely enjoy and committing to that regimen will be my priority. I’m happy to report that I’ve already made a first step towards achieving this goal by signing up for a 20-week yoga course that my apartment complex offers.

5. Be intentional about friendships.

Since moving to a new city, I’ve found that I need to be intentional about friendships. This includes making new friends and keeping up with old friends who are now spread across the country. In Q3, I plan to be better about inviting acquaintances and potential new friends to hang out, as well as sending snail mail to and calling my friends who live outside of the Beltway.

6. Meal prep and cook more.

I love Trader Joe’s and the simplicity of popping something pre-made into the oven. However, in Q4 I want to meal prep and legitimately cook more. If you have any recommendations for meal-prepping resources, I’d love to hear them!


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1 Comment

  • Reply Allison

    These sound eminently rational and “do-able”! Good luck and I’m sure you’ll have success!

    January 6, 2020 at 2:44 pm
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