    Lifestyle Personal

    One Year of Blogging

    One year ago, I officially launched This blog has been not only a hobby and a creative outlet for me over the past year, but also a solace from the storms of life. The first six months of the blog’s public existence was a difficult time for me personally, filled with anxiety about the future as I job-hunted, finished my last semester of college, moved to Washington, DC, and worked to turn a summer fellowship into a full-time job.

    During this transient period, the blog served as a space of my own to cultivate as I saw fit. It was a sliver of the internet where I could dream up an idea, execute it, and see the return on my efforts. The satisfaction I derived from this passion project got me through long days of job applications, uncertainty about what the coming months would hold, and lots of life changes.

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    Recent Reads

    Happy MLK Day! Don’t mind me still in my holiday tartan. 😉 It’s been a restful long-weekend spent staying in and reading. I love being cozy in the winter, curling up with a good book, and minimizing the number of times I need to leave the house. After all, I’m a southern girl unaccustomed to snow. In the spirit of hygge, the art of coziness, I’m sharing reviews of the books I’ve recently read!

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    Rent the Runway Unlimited Review

    Last month, I tried Rent the Runway’s unlimited subscription. With lots of holiday festivities happening, December was the perfect time to test out the service and enjoy access to unlimited clothes! Today, I’m sharing a comprehensive review of RTR Unlimited, including pros and cons, how to make the most of your membership, and whether I ultimately renewed my subscription. Continue reading

    Lifestyle Personal

    Goals for 2020

    New year’s resolutions catch a lot of flak. Social media seems to be filled with people complaining about their gyms being too crowded in January and lamenting on others not keeping their resolutions. I fall in the opposite camp as the social media negativity. I think using a new year as an opportunity for reflection, self-awareness, and goal-setting is highly constructive. I’ve given a good bit of thought to what I want to accomplish in 2020 and I’m excited to share my resolutions with you today! Continue reading

    Lifestyle Personal

    2019: Year in Review

    What a year it’s been. In 2019, I went from college student to full-fledged adult. I moved to a new city, lived by myself for the first time, and conquered the long-distance aspect of my relationship! I explored new cities and checked states off my bucket list. There were many highs, but also significant lows. I experienced a (thankfully minor) health concern and struggled with anxiety throughout the year. Continue reading

    Holiday Travel

    Christmas at Biltmore

    Merry Christmas Eve! I’ve had a lovely holiday so far. The highlight has been taking a candlelit tour of the Biltmore with my mom yesterday. The Biltmore is an 800-acre estate in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Built in 1895 by George Vanderbilt, the Biltmore is “America’s Largest Home” and one of my favorite places. It’s even more gorgeous than usual during Christmas! In the holiday spirit, I’m sharing the amateur photos I took during the tour yesterday. These make me smile and I hope they do the same for you!

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    Holiday Home & Decor Washington DC

    Holiday Wreath-Making at Tudor Place

    This post is coming to you from an early morning flight out of Ronald Reagan. As I type, I’m soaring over the clouds on my way home to South Carolina for Christmas. I can’t wait to soak in 9 days of vacation! Honestly, the whole month of December has felt festive in a way that it never could when I was stressed about college finals. One of my favorite holiday activities this year was a new experience: wreath-making at Tudor Place in Georgetown. Continue reading

    Lifestyle Washington DC

    Autumn in iPhone Photos + Fall Bucket List Update

    Technically, the last day of autumn is December 20. In my mind, however, December 1st marks the beginning of the holiday season and therefore winter! Since it’s now winter in my book, I’m recapping the fall season by way of iPhone photos. There are many fun little moments each season that never make the blog or Instagram, so I think this will be a great way to reminisce and share those with you.

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    Gift Ideas Holiday

    Christmas Gifts for Her

    Can you believe that the holidays are almost here? I feel like a blinked and November is nearly over! However, I’m okay with it because I’m already in the holiday spirit. I tried to go to the Woodley Park Zoo Lights this past weekend, only to find out that they don’t start until after Thanksgiving.

    I don’t plan on decorating until next week, but I must admit that I started buying Christmas present in September.  🙈 I love shopping for my friends and family! And I love sharing gift ideas with you all because I know it can often be difficult to find the right present for your loved ones. With this in mind, today I’m sharing my first gift guide of the season! Continue reading


    My Picks from the J. Crew Factory Sale

    Hi, everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was very lowkey. I went to a friend’s chili night, caught up on Survivor, and deep-cleaned my apartment. Today, I’m popping in with a quick post to share my picks from J.Crew Factory’s sale. I love J. Crew Factory’s staple pieces. Now is the perfect time to stock up on those. Everything is 50% off and clearance items are an additional 50% off. Don’t delay if something catches your eye—the sale ends tonight at 11:59 pm. Continue reading